Monday, December 8, 2014

wellington camp

As we enter the realms of the building a scaly green beast looms above us, cold wet mucus drips down. They stand rock still surprisingly, as they are made out of plastic.
We go into the Weta Workshop store and come face to face with a real life like, and extremely freaky, Golem clutching a fish.
We are at Weta Workshop; one of the best known places in the world for making movie props. They have made props for the Lord Of The Rings , The Hobbit and tonnes of other well known films. Although they have made a multitude of props, my first impression is that they are good at making swords and shields and guns. They make things for video games as well.  An example of this is the way they were exhibiting the motorised vehicle for the Warthog, along with the sniper and machine gun from Halo. They had a man who is one of the only men in the world to actually forge his own steel weapons like they did in medieval times.
We g had tour around the workshop and got to feel and ask questions about bits of artistic crafting which provided a lot of insight to the more arty people in our class.

This is a bit of background about weta workshop according to wikipedia
Weta Digital is a digital visual effects company based in Wellington, New Zealand. It was founded by Peter Jackson,Richard Taylor, and Jamie Selkirk in 1993 to produce the digital special effects for Heavenly Creatures. In 2007 Weta Digital’s Senior Visual Effects Supervisor, Joe Letteri, was also appointed as a Director of the company. Weta Digital has won several Academy Awards and BAFTAs.[1]
Weta Digital is part of a number of Peter Jackson co-owned companies in Wellington which includes Weta Workshop, Weta Productions, Weta Collectibles and Park Road Post Production.
The company is named after the New Zealand weta, one of the world's largest insects.

I got background about Weta Workshop from wikipedia

Sunday, December 7, 2014

year 8 leavers dinner speech

I've really enjoyed the extra curricular activities and my chance to excel as a leader. I've enjoyed being a leader of a whanau group and class leader. I especially enjoyed revamping the library and going to the bush and wet land. I would like to thank my teachers for all the learning opportunities they have provided. It was great having time with all the year 8's at tech and all the Oroua events. I am looking forward to the challenges next year will bring. Have a great holiday and the best of luck for high school.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Nelson Mandela speech

Hey black man drink from that tap ... go to that toilet ... don't stand in this line ... don't make it dirty. I'm white. I'm way better than you, you dirty piece of garbage.
This my friends is apartheid. Apartheid means separation of the races. The white people and the black people of South Africa were separated by the colour of their skin and people thought that one man was better than the other because of their skin colour. One man acquired the strength to break the chains of apartheid and lead his country bloodlessly to freedom.
And this man was Nelson Mandela.

Nelson Mandela was born in Mevezo village in Transki in a time where apartheid ruled supreme. The minority (the whites) ruled over the majority (the blacks). He got a degree in law and set up the first place for blacks to get lawyers. This was before he joined the ANC; The African National Congress, manned by the blacks who wanted change. He was on the military side and helped to set up the ANC's youth league. They were spurred into action after the Sharpeville massacre where the police stopped using tear gas and rubber bullets and shot and killed 69 protesters using live ammunition shooting most in the back as they were running away.

Around this time, Nelson Mandela was rounded up, alongside other senior ANC members and was sentenced to life imprisonment. The Government was scared of him. They knew that if anyone had the power to form an uprising, it was him. They sent him to Robbins Island; an island prison 7 km off the coast of Capetown. He was kept in solitary confinement in a room 8 foot square, a bucket his toilet, a mat on the floor his bed, stout bars blocked his way to freedom. He also suffered from hard labour; breaking blocks with a sledge hammer ... doing this day after day. He did ten years of this before getting moved to another prison for a further 17 years!!! Imagine spending  27 years (over a quarter of your life) behind bars. His release paved the way for hope for South Africa and freedom for all black South Africans  

Nelson Mandela was officially and democratically elected president on 10 May 1994. Everyone thought that South Africa would go into civil war with thousands dead and blood on the streets but Nelson Mandela chose peace. He urged the black population to lay down their arms and work with together to form a country where all people value and respect one another. It is still a work in progress.
 For his efforts, in preventing civil war, he received the Nobel peace prize which he shared with FW De Clerk the president of South Africa. No one could question he eligibility for such a prestigious award. In 1999 Nelson Mandela gave up presidency as he wanted someone younger to take the presidential seat. Once again he shows that he has humility and integrity.

Nelson Mandela is an inspiration, why,
Because he grew up in a time where the rules were unjust
But he sought to change the rules that weren't fair and did whatever he had to. If possible his ways were to attack the Government using peace using such means made the Government feel threatened and as a result he was locked away but he didn't give up and changed history and made the world a safer place.  "I hate race discrimination most intensely and in all its manifestations. I have fought it all during my life; I fight it now, and will do so until the end of my days."  
Nelson Mandala, South Africa's greatest son, said this in life but in death his legacy lives on.

Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do."
8) "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
9) "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."
10) "For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others."
“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.” 
― Nelson Mandela

“It always seems impossible until it's done.” 
― Nelson Mandela

Quote for lamb and calf day

I am thankful to all those who said no to me because of them I did it myself.

skiing 2014

As I fly down the steep slope my skis glide effortlessly across the white powdery snow. I am on the Ruapehu mointain surrounded by white. I am all bundled up and enjoying the thrill of the experience.

An Amazon Adventure - Narrative 2014

The crack enlarges as we float silently down the river, rifles resting on our knees ... until finally the boat disintegrates and we are submerged in cool deep water.
We swim the sixty metres and drag ourselves up on to the shore, guns clinging to our backs. We lie there for a while, just regaining our breath, before hopping up and taking stock of our surroundings. We are in a clearing, surrounded by trees, with the calls of the birds and bugs loud in our ears. I take out my machete and slash a path further into the jungle.
Eventually we come to a farm with the barns burning and sheep and cows lying butchered in the paddocks. The young farm owner was throwing buckets of water on to the fire but to no avail. My men and I got bucket and helped put the fire out before asking questions.
"Who was it?'
"Why did they do it?"
Of the answer I was stunned. It was my old arch enemy Croc. Apparently he had broken out of prison and now he and his band of criminals were here in the Amazon on a gold finding mission. He deserved to be in prison and it was my job to take him there.
After fixing the boat I decide to go after him with my crew and my kid brother Roger. We prepare to hoist off but before we could depart the solemn young farmer hopped on with a cry of ... "Let's get him!!"
This was greeted with cheers of approval as we floated down the river. It wasn't long and we noticed smoke gently rising into the air before being whisked away on the wind. We beach our boat and head away to investigate.
Our arrival was greeted with yells of uproar and before we could blink we had twelve blow darts, tipped with lethal venom, levelled at our chests. We slowly raise our hands and after removing our guns and knives they shove us into a small wooden jail cell. We looked round at the flimsy door with the solitary guard behind it. Luckily they hadn't noticed the small black knife strapped to my thigh. On the strike of midnight we force the door and scramble through before clocking the guard unconscious with the butt of the knife. Rapidly we bolt over to the door where they had stashed our guns and machetes. It takes two hard smashes with a boot to send the door flying inwards. I quickly grab my Winchester 323 rifle and sling it over my shoulder before strapping my machete to my belt in preparation for what may lie ahead.
With a shock the lights click on and the alarm whirs into action as we are padding silently towards the cover and safety of the trees. We crawl back to the boat and continue our journey down the river. Suddenly we are thrust into the swirling crashing white water rapids.
"Push off the rocks with your oars!" I yelled over the noise.
Soon we come to calm still water where we notice, with a start that snaps me out of my sleepy daze, a boat rolling with the current down the river. I realise that the boat is Croc's. I quickly swing the gun up to my shoulder before pulling the trigger. With a crack a crew member slumped across the edge of the boat before plopping into the water. Then the force of the current pushes Croc's boat behind a cluster of grey rocks.
Suddenly we hear a Hippo as he stomps down on Croc's boat, forcing all of its occupants into the piranha infested water. We fly past, hoisting up Croc and his bedraggled crew members before imprisoning them in the make shift jail we had rigged up.
Wearily we start the long journey home.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Charles Upham

My inspiration, Captain Charles Hazlitt Upham, was a New Zealand soldier who fought in World War 2. He is mostly known for being awarded the Victoria Cross, which is the most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy. Amazingly later, he was awarded the Bar meaning he won the Victoria Cross again; making him the first New Zealander to win it twice and one of only three in the world!

He was born on the 21st of September, 1908. He was born in central Christchurch. On leaving school he became a farmer after getting a degree in agriculture at Lincoln University. At the outbreak of the WW2 he joined the 2nd New Zealand expeditionary force (2nzef) at the age of 30. He signed of as a private and was soon promoted to temporary lance corporal and then sergeant.

He won his first VC in the attack against Maleme. He was injured but took out numerous machine gun posts. When he heard of a platoon that had become separated, he immediately began a rescue attempt. He went 600 yards with a corporal, killing two Germans on the way, before leading the men back to his platoon. He went on the rescue attempt himself as he felt it was to dangerous for his men.

It was at Galatas, on the 25th of May, that Charles Upham was Platoon Commander. His platoon came under heavy machine gun and mortar fire. After his platoon went to the safety of a ridge he himself observed the enemy. Then when the Germans advanced he led his platoon forward and they killed forty and forced the rest to scramble away in panic.
When his platoon was ordered to retire, he sent it back with the platoon Sargent and went to warn the other platoon that they were being cut off. But while he was on his mission he came under fire by two Germans as they shot at him he fell down and faked death and then crawled under a tree. His arm was broken so he rested his rifle in the fork of a tree, shot one, reset the bolt and shot the other. The German actually fell on the muzzle of the rifle.
Once again he used his quick thinking and kept a calm head at a time of great stress. I admire the way Upham didn't give up and say ... "OK you've got me". He thought quickly and acted promptly doing all he could in the situation. I believe this is a skill you can apply in life where ever you are and what ever you are doing. For example if you are caught in a crashed car, would you give up and die or would you grab something and try to smash the window to get out? When you are playing a game of rugby you need to think and act quickly just like Charles Upham. If you are in an exam and it is really hard, would you give up and walk out all would you do all of the other questions and then come back to it and try to solve it?

Charles Upham received his bar from a battle for Ruseweit ridge. The citation from the king stated that in the battle Charles was wounded twice. He took out a truck filled with soldiers and also a tank and several machine gun posts. But after winning a couple of objectives his gallant platoon, now reduced to six survivors, was overrun by the enemy and Captain Charles Upham was captured and sent to a POW camp.
After several escape attempts he was sent to Colditz Castle. Here he made more attempts. One in particular was that he tried to climb the fence in broad daylight but he became entangled in the barbed wire. Unbelievably, when the guard pointed a pistol at his head and threatened to shoot he calmly lit a cigarette and had a smoke. On another occasion, he was travelling on a train guarded by two Germans. He was only able to go to the toilet when the train was travelling at high speed so that he didn't jump out the toilet window. Nevertheless he did ... jumping out and knocking himself unconscious.
Charles demonstrated courage and desire. He was determined to escape and set himself a goal to achieve this. He escaped in so many different ways. I aim to, like Charles, set myself goals and work to achieve them. If I fail, I will try and try again.
He was calm in times of difficulty. Charles took risks and accomplished a great deal. I question whether I would deal so well with these situations and really admire him for it.
In my future would like to be brave and look on the positive. He show that there are plenty of people out there who have been in worse spots than we have been in and have survived and been better for it. When we think times are tough we should always look on this and face our challenges.

When Colditz Castle was captured by the Americans, Charles was one of the few who instead of going home, got the Americans to give him weapons and went back out to fight the Germans. 
When the war finished the people of Christchurch raised ten thousand dollars for Charles and his wife, Molly McTamny, to buy their dream farm but he refused and instead, organised a charity for the children of ex service men to go to Lincoln university. 
I respect Charles thoughts. He believed that his medals were not just owned by him but were earned by his platoon. This shows selflessness and being a team player. He has good old fashioned values and wanted to be treated just like all of the other returning soldiers. I admire the way he wanted his money to be used to help children rather than just him. What comes around goes around. Because of him I have thought more about being selfless; giving to those who need it more than I do and thinking of others. I value being a team player and will continue to develop this as I feel it is important in life.

In November 2006 Charles' VC and Bar were stolen from Waiouru Army Museum. It is hard to imagine who and why would steal such a unique piece of New Zealand history. They were eventually recovered after a reward of 300,000 was offered. 

Charles Upham is my inspiration because of his bravery, determination, courage and selflessness. I am blown away by his desire to never lie down and die. I respect the way the way he did what he knew was right and lived life to the fullest.
He inspires me to believe that good things happen to good people. He inspires me to be that good person.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Revised speech - Nelson Mandala

Hey black man, drink from that tap ... go to that toilet ... don't stand in this line ... don't make it dirty. I'm white. I'm way better than you, you dirty piece of garbage.

This my friends is apartheid. According to the oxford dictionary apartheid is 'discrimination or separation on the grounds of race'. The white people and the black people of South Africa were separated by the colour of their skin.  
One man acquired the strength to break the chains of apartheid and lead his country, bloodlessly, to freedom.
Ladies and gentlemen....this man was Nelson Mandela.
Nelson Mandela was born in South Africa during a time where apartheid ruled supreme..  He stepped up his anti government activities after the Sharpeville massacre where the police shot and killed 69 unarmed protesters, mostly in the back as they were running away.

Interestingly, around this time, Nelson Mandela was sentenced to prison.  This was an attempt to silence him. He spent 27 years, over 1/4 of his life doing hard labour on Robbins Island; an island prison 7 km off the coast of Capetown.
He was kept in solitary confinement in a room 8 foot square, a bucket for his toilet, a mat on the floor his bed, stout bars blocked his way to freedom. His days were spent breaking blocks with a sledge hammer.

On four separate occasions, Nelson Mandela was offered his freedom on condition he stop challenging the government....But listened to his conscience and stood strong for what he believed in.

His release in 1990 meant freedom for all black South Africans; as finally they were able to democratically elect him their leader. 
Everyone thought that South Africa would go into civil war with thousands dead and blood on the streets but Nelson Mandela chose peace.
He urged peace and reconciliation instead of revenge and bitterness.  For his efforts, in preventing civil war, he received the Nobel peace prize.  How could any of us question his eligibility for such a prestigious award?

But unlike so many other African leaders who cling to power, after just one term in office, Nelson Mandela gave up the presidency. He wanted someone younger to take the presidential seat. Once again he showed that he had both humility and integrity.

Nelson Mandela was an inspiration the world over.  Why?
He was highly principled and fought for what he knew was right.
He urged peace, forgiveness and reconciliation. 
Finally, he was a inspiring yet modest leader. One we can all learn from.

Nelson Mandela died last of the truly great citizens of the 21st Century. 
His words still echo today in the following quote:
 "I hate race discrimination most intensely and in all its manifestations. I have fought it all during my life; I fight it now, and will do so until the end of my days."  Nelson Mandela 1918-2013

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Commonwealth games day at Cheltenham

 A rocket boosted me to the car as we got ready for the Commonwealth games day at Cheltenham school. We went there because we were invited by Jim and our friends. We did shot put, discus, gymnastics, archery, high jump, sprints and a mystery challenge. I was amazed by this and it helped me and others to get outside and socialise.  

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Mr Mr sunny essay

The story about Mr Mr sunny a flargie who lives in Flargie city
who can never refuse a polite request.

Mr Mr sunny is a flargie hero because he can never refuse a polite request  no matter how hard he tries. He's helpful and never stops part way through a job, like how he helped Glusty with his car. He always there ready and willing.
I wish I could be like Mr sunny with never saying no to a polite request.
*He has to be care full not to be taken advantage of.
*He will have lots of friends who will help him when he needs it.

Mr Mr sunny is persistent, which means he never gives up.
For example Mr Mr sunny was going to the store for some flour but everybody wanted help, he could have said that its to late for the sore to be open I'll just give up, but he didn't even though by the time the time he got there it was closed.
I reckon that persistence is a great attribute because you feel that you n;need to finish the job no matter what happens.

Mr Mr sunny is always bright and bubbly, he's always cheerful and doesn't put people down he always helps and does so with good spirits like how he was happy to help his friend by staying on a flag pole for ages.
I think its great how he is always cheerful because people would like to be around him.

My essay concludes that Mr Mr sunny is great and has many attributes which make him very popular.        

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Experience like - Verdion 2


Every country has a different vibe
But we are all part of the same tribe
Every country has something great to give
So get out there and live live live

Get out there and explore the nation
Get out there for some inspiration
Open your heart and open your mind
You'll be amazed at what you may find

There are many places where you will see
Thousands of people in poverty
Their government does not care
How they live and what they wear

Great people great culture
Great great nature
But what are your values
What do you like?

English it is but only one
All the languages are really fun
There are so many different ones to choose
I really don't know to pick whose

France is famous for its rich tastes
So when you choose don’t do it in haste
Croissants, ratatouille and camembert cheese
Looks so tasty I’ll eat it with ease

There are 5 different continents
So choose what to see
Guatamala Mexico
Samoa and France is
Where should you be

Celebrate our differences
Don’t Discriminate
What you see an what you have

By Zahn

Monday, June 2, 2014

exploring different places peom

Every country has a different vibe
 but we are all part of the same tribe
Guatamala mexico
samoa and france is where you should go

guatamala is the place where you will see
thousands of people in poverty
their government does not care
how they live and what they wear

Mexico is where youll find speedy gonzales
wearing a yellow sombrero down to his knees
Mexican culture is rich and colourful
the peopole all smile and are really cool

the samoan alphabet is made up of 14 letters
not 26 which I think is much better
if you want to say hi
you just say feiloa i
if you want some kava just say ava

france is famous for its rich tastes
so when you choose dont do it in haste
crossants rattatoui and camembert cheese
looks so tastey ill eat it with ease

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Machu Picchu

We arrive, after a long jagged winding bus journey up a steep and thin road, at our Peruvian destination. The ruins one of the 7 wonders of the world. The ancient race, the Incas, inhabited the city. We were standing next to Machu Picchu; the old city of the Incas. The biggest of its kind. We hired a guide to show us round the site of so many peoples heritage. Using his intelligence we soon discovered that the Incas had been great inventors ... like how they built under water pipes so that their water couldn't be poisoned. But they were even greater builders with every rock in the city shaped perfectly so they could fit into the ones surrounding them. The security guards were everywhere but that didn't darken the mood. People were milling around taking pictures of the amazing bit of history. Llamas inhabited the upper slopes nibbling at the grass that pokes through the rocks. They were tame and you could pet them but it was a dangerous journey up the ridges. The amount of rocks opened my eyes to the sheer enormity of the perils that the workers must have faced. We wandered around looking at the temples and imagining the magnitude of the time and resources that they must have poured into the city.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

personal experience writing

sometimes you notice people who are begging or are homeless but that doesnt mean they are bad people it just means that they have fallen upon hard times most of them dont want your sympathy they just want you to realisise that not all people are as fortunate as you are and that there are people who are going to bed hungry and that there are people who are being attacked by various dieses like maleria and hepotitis just because they dont have money to get imunisations luckily organisations like unicef have been founded

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The vengeance.

I wake up to the sound of nothing as my ears were still ringing. The kindly doctors smile aperered over my grim face.
"You've had a bad concussion, your memory will come back soon". and it did although somewhat hazy.
My face hardens as I remember English red coats opening fire on defenseless patrtriants and suvilans, amung them my familie, my wife and son. I ask the doctor, "My famalie? They the . Her voice breaks.
"They didn't make it". "Are you sure where are the bodies?"
"Over there" she points a lon finger,
Go check. I didn't want to but I had to have proof. I arrive, open the door, and walk stiffly inside.
I wonder through the rows and after what had seemed like an eternity, I saw there bodies. I came, I nealt down, I cried. Moist tears cascade down my cheeks and onto there lifeless bodies. I arise and stumble back to the doctor, and say loud enough for the neighboring tents to hear. "I swear in front of all of you, that red coats will fear my name tremble in there boots as I walk past cause my name and blade means death for all red coats and all though who follow there way.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The round delicacy that is pizza ... the cheesy smell wafts on the wind and floats up your nostrils. Cheese covered in tonnes of meat is slopped on to a well made dough by precision drilled crew. Placed even millimetres to the  wrong side would cause havoc to the eyes. The taste is like a symphony to your taste buds as it slides down your throat.
To make the best pizza you need a nice homemade base smothered in bbq sauce and topped with chopped saveloy, bacon, ham, salami, lamb, beef mince, more salami! This is then topped with cheese and even more bbq sauce sprayed over the top.
Served with a nice cold drink of chocolate milk or L & P sour ... you just can’t beat it! It is the singular best food or meal in the world (GO ITALIANS!)
The best type of bought pizza is Dominos meat lovers ... but of course even that doesn't remotely compare with a homemade meat lovers!
The origins of pizza were from Italy with the thin crusted pizza. Over time the crust has evolved into a fat cheese infested piece of dough.
This is a bit of background about pizza, a type of flatbread from wikipedia, ‘The origins of pizza’
“Foods similar to pizza have been made since the neolithic age. Records of people adding other ingredients to bread to make it more flavorful can be found throughout ancient history.
In 16th century Naples a Galette flatbread was referred to as a pizza.  Known as the dish for poor people, it was sold in the street and was not considered a kitchen recipe for a long time. This was later replaced by oil, tomatoes (after Europeans came into contact with the Americas) or fish. In 1843, Alexandre Dumas, pèredescribed the diversity of pizza toppings. An often recounted story holds that on 11 June 1889, to honour the Queen consort of Italy, Margherita of Savoy, the Neapolitan pizza maker Raffaele Esposito created the "Pizza Margherita", a pizza garnished with tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil, to represent the national colours of Italy as on the Italian flag.”
By Zahn

camp 2014

The round delicacy that is pizza ... the cheesy smell wafts on the wind and floats up your nostrils. Cheese covered in tonnes of meat is slopped on to a well made dough by precision drilled crew. Placed even millimetres to the  wrong side would cause havoc to the eyes. The taste is like a symphony to your taste buds as it slides down your throat.
To make the best pizza you need a nice homemade base smothered in bbq sauce and topped with chopped saveloy, bacon, ham, salami, lamb, beef mince, more salami! This is then topped with cheese and even more bbq sauce sprayed over the top.
Served with a nice cold drink of chocolate milk or L & P sour ... you just can’t beat it! It is the singular best food or meal in the world (GO ITALIANS!)
The best type of bought pizza is Dominos meat lovers ... but of course even that doesn't remotely compare with a homemade meat lovers!
The origins of pizza were from Italy with the thin crusted pizza. Over time the crust has evolved into a fat cheese infested piece of dough.
This is a bit of background about pizza, a type of flatbread from wikipedia, ‘The origins of pizza’
“Foods similar to pizza have been made since the neolithic age. Records of people adding other ingredients to bread to make it more flavorful can be found throughout ancient history.
In 16th century Naples a Galette flatbread was referred to as a pizza.  Known as the dish for poor people, it was sold in the street and was not considered a kitchen recipe for a long time. This was later replaced by oil, tomatoes (after Europeans came into contact with the Americas) or fish. In 1843, Alexandre Dumas, pèredescribed the diversity of pizza toppings. An often recounted story holds that on 11 June 1889, to honour the Queen consort of Italy, Margherita of Savoy, the Neapolitan pizza maker Raffaele Esposito created the "Pizza Margherita", a pizza garnished with tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil, to represent the national colours of Italy as on the Italian flag.”
By Zahn

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Keith Elliot
Born in Apiti
25 April, 1916
To a farming family
Awarded the Victoria cross

At the outbreak of the Second World War
He applied for a Position in the NZ Military Forces
But was rejected due to the vile state of his teeth

Later he tried again
And filled a position in the 22nd battalion 
Under the command of Lt Col Lesley Andrews VC

Courageous, Loyal, sense of camaraderie
A tough New Zealander through and through
Never giving up

Dawn of 15 July, 1942
The battalion to which Platoon Commander belonged
Was attacked by on three flanks by tanks determined to see them anialated
Under Impending tank fire
 The tanks were a steady stream of bats in the distance,
Machine gun stuttering in the in the distance
And shell fire pounding into the sand, sand flying as feet skid overhead
Sergeant Elliot led the platoon he was commanding
to the relative safety of a ridge 300 yards away
Sustaining a chest wound
Crimson stain spreading across the front of his khaki army issue jacket breathing laboured but determined to see the German treat vangisqed back where they came from

Here he reformed his men

Hot sand moving under foot
Flanked on three sides
Only one way to go without being hammered by the enemies
The odds are overwhelming the enemy senses victory

The only way through this is though the enemy
Against overwhelming odds Elliot and seven comrades rush over 500m
Armed only with rifles and bayonets fixed enabling them as spears
 any moment could be their last with a speed brought on by desperation and charge head first into the heavily defended mgp slashing, hacking and bashing Elliot in the lead leaving felled men in their wake
 Up close and personal vicious hand to Han combat within two feet of them
His men rush at them

Capturing four tortoise shell like heavy machine gun posts
And an anti tank gun

 Steady streams of Bullets whiz zing through the air
A strong smell of smoke from the bomb  cloud the nostrils raining from above
What inspires me is how he never gave up and kept on going right to the end his loyalness
To his comrades how he thought these men are my responsibility they will not get killed on my watch how his selflessness and bravery was committed without a second thought and saved tonnes of lives in the process

Awarded the Victoria Cross
The highest and most prestigious award for gallantry
Keith Elliot
Of Apiti