Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Nelson Mandela speech

Hey black man drink from that tap ... go to that toilet ... don't stand in this line ... don't make it dirty. I'm white. I'm way better than you, you dirty piece of garbage.
This my friends is apartheid. Apartheid means separation of the races. The white people and the black people of South Africa were separated by the colour of their skin and people thought that one man was better than the other because of their skin colour. One man acquired the strength to break the chains of apartheid and lead his country bloodlessly to freedom.
And this man was Nelson Mandela.

Nelson Mandela was born in Mevezo village in Transki in a time where apartheid ruled supreme. The minority (the whites) ruled over the majority (the blacks). He got a degree in law and set up the first place for blacks to get lawyers. This was before he joined the ANC; The African National Congress, manned by the blacks who wanted change. He was on the military side and helped to set up the ANC's youth league. They were spurred into action after the Sharpeville massacre where the police stopped using tear gas and rubber bullets and shot and killed 69 protesters using live ammunition shooting most in the back as they were running away.

Around this time, Nelson Mandela was rounded up, alongside other senior ANC members and was sentenced to life imprisonment. The Government was scared of him. They knew that if anyone had the power to form an uprising, it was him. They sent him to Robbins Island; an island prison 7 km off the coast of Capetown. He was kept in solitary confinement in a room 8 foot square, a bucket his toilet, a mat on the floor his bed, stout bars blocked his way to freedom. He also suffered from hard labour; breaking blocks with a sledge hammer ... doing this day after day. He did ten years of this before getting moved to another prison for a further 17 years!!! Imagine spending  27 years (over a quarter of your life) behind bars. His release paved the way for hope for South Africa and freedom for all black South Africans  

Nelson Mandela was officially and democratically elected president on 10 May 1994. Everyone thought that South Africa would go into civil war with thousands dead and blood on the streets but Nelson Mandela chose peace. He urged the black population to lay down their arms and work with together to form a country where all people value and respect one another. It is still a work in progress.
 For his efforts, in preventing civil war, he received the Nobel peace prize which he shared with FW De Clerk the president of South Africa. No one could question he eligibility for such a prestigious award. In 1999 Nelson Mandela gave up presidency as he wanted someone younger to take the presidential seat. Once again he shows that he has humility and integrity.

Nelson Mandela is an inspiration, why,
Because he grew up in a time where the rules were unjust
But he sought to change the rules that weren't fair and did whatever he had to. If possible his ways were to attack the Government using peace using such means made the Government feel threatened and as a result he was locked away but he didn't give up and changed history and made the world a safer place.  "I hate race discrimination most intensely and in all its manifestations. I have fought it all during my life; I fight it now, and will do so until the end of my days."  
Nelson Mandala, South Africa's greatest son, said this in life but in death his legacy lives on.

Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do."
8) "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
9) "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."
10) "For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others."
“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.” 
― Nelson Mandela

“It always seems impossible until it's done.” 
― Nelson Mandela

Quote for lamb and calf day

I am thankful to all those who said no to me because of them I did it myself.

skiing 2014

As I fly down the steep slope my skis glide effortlessly across the white powdery snow. I am on the Ruapehu mointain surrounded by white. I am all bundled up and enjoying the thrill of the experience.

An Amazon Adventure - Narrative 2014

The crack enlarges as we float silently down the river, rifles resting on our knees ... until finally the boat disintegrates and we are submerged in cool deep water.
We swim the sixty metres and drag ourselves up on to the shore, guns clinging to our backs. We lie there for a while, just regaining our breath, before hopping up and taking stock of our surroundings. We are in a clearing, surrounded by trees, with the calls of the birds and bugs loud in our ears. I take out my machete and slash a path further into the jungle.
Eventually we come to a farm with the barns burning and sheep and cows lying butchered in the paddocks. The young farm owner was throwing buckets of water on to the fire but to no avail. My men and I got bucket and helped put the fire out before asking questions.
"Who was it?'
"Why did they do it?"
Of the answer I was stunned. It was my old arch enemy Croc. Apparently he had broken out of prison and now he and his band of criminals were here in the Amazon on a gold finding mission. He deserved to be in prison and it was my job to take him there.
After fixing the boat I decide to go after him with my crew and my kid brother Roger. We prepare to hoist off but before we could depart the solemn young farmer hopped on with a cry of ... "Let's get him!!"
This was greeted with cheers of approval as we floated down the river. It wasn't long and we noticed smoke gently rising into the air before being whisked away on the wind. We beach our boat and head away to investigate.
Our arrival was greeted with yells of uproar and before we could blink we had twelve blow darts, tipped with lethal venom, levelled at our chests. We slowly raise our hands and after removing our guns and knives they shove us into a small wooden jail cell. We looked round at the flimsy door with the solitary guard behind it. Luckily they hadn't noticed the small black knife strapped to my thigh. On the strike of midnight we force the door and scramble through before clocking the guard unconscious with the butt of the knife. Rapidly we bolt over to the door where they had stashed our guns and machetes. It takes two hard smashes with a boot to send the door flying inwards. I quickly grab my Winchester 323 rifle and sling it over my shoulder before strapping my machete to my belt in preparation for what may lie ahead.
With a shock the lights click on and the alarm whirs into action as we are padding silently towards the cover and safety of the trees. We crawl back to the boat and continue our journey down the river. Suddenly we are thrust into the swirling crashing white water rapids.
"Push off the rocks with your oars!" I yelled over the noise.
Soon we come to calm still water where we notice, with a start that snaps me out of my sleepy daze, a boat rolling with the current down the river. I realise that the boat is Croc's. I quickly swing the gun up to my shoulder before pulling the trigger. With a crack a crew member slumped across the edge of the boat before plopping into the water. Then the force of the current pushes Croc's boat behind a cluster of grey rocks.
Suddenly we hear a Hippo as he stomps down on Croc's boat, forcing all of its occupants into the piranha infested water. We fly past, hoisting up Croc and his bedraggled crew members before imprisoning them in the make shift jail we had rigged up.
Wearily we start the long journey home.